Thursday, April 5, 2012

Medicine Drama - Update

DEE's been on Zoloft and the clonodine patch for a month now, and he is doing very well on both. Blessedly, we have, as a family, gotten a bit of relief from the fever pitch of DEE's existence. He can now sit down and do things. For more than three seconds at a time.

The "problem" if you will lies in the patch. We put it between his shoulder blades so that he can't reach it. Smiley, however, can. And DEE has taught Smiley to remove the patch before its week life span is up. Which means we're going through patches at a rate of 1 every 4 days. Now, one hand, I'd love to praise DEE's critical thinking abilities and problem solving skills. I'd love to praise my sons for working together in a cooperative manner.


This medicine is freaking expensive. And it makes a HUGE difference in DEE. Within about 4 hours, you can tell a distinct difference. So no praise.


(In my room, behind the closed door, I celebrate this step! I promise I do!)